Lake County Christian Academy, a ministry of Lake County Baptist Church, is a private, Christian school located in Waukegan, Illinois. Currently, we enroll about 150 students, providing academics, sports and social activities for children 4 years old through 12th grade. We believe optimum Christian education is the result of the threefold cord of home, school and church working together in harmony and our highest priority is to give Christ the preeminence in the total environment of our Christian school.

Welcome from the Principal
At Lake County Christian Academy, we are committed to providing every student with the tools, guidance, and opportunities to reach their fullest potential.
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Experience Lake County Christian Academy firsthand. We offer customized tours year-round!

Empowering Minds, Nurturing Hearts
Discover What Lake County Christian Academy Offers Your Student
Our Vision and Goals
At Lake County Christian Academy, our vision goes beyond academia. We are committed to nurture children who are biblically grounded, academically prepared, socially adept, and physically sound.

Academic Excellence
At LCCA, we inspire girls and boys to cultivate distinctiveness in character and innovative thought.
A Supportive Learning Space
Our mission is to ignite a lifelong passion for learning. By providing a nurturing educational environment, we ensure each student realizes their unique academic potential.

Recent Highlights
Door Contest for Spirit Week
For school choice week, our classes decorated their doors for a competition. Logon to Facebook or Instagram to help us… Read More
Winners of Zion-Benton American Legion Essay Contest Announced
Congratulations to our students who placed in the Americanism Essay Contest through the Zion-Benton American Legion Post #865. All students… Read More
Great Lakes Music Festival at MBU
Each year, students have the opportunity to attend Maranatha Baptist University for a 2-day festival, described by MBU as a… Read More